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Making the Most of Admission Event Registrations
Connor Gleason

Admissions events are crucial in introducing families to your school, starting with the initial registration process through signing up for an accepted student's day. Every event represents a snapshot of the amazing experience you hope to provide.

Many parents start the admissions and enrollment process by attending a school event; in fact, a recent Niche K12 parent survey found that nearly 30% of parents attended an enrollment event on campus as the first step to engaging with the schools they considered. It raised a good question: Is the event registration the new inquiry?

While it may not be as formal or official as an admissions inquiry, when a parent signs up to attend one of your admission's open houses or events, it’s a chance to welcome a student and their family to your school community. A smooth process reflects your school's efficiency, brand, and communication style, while the event itself — whether it’s an open house, a tour, a shadow day, or a presentation — provides a sense of your school's environment and community.

These events are pivotal moments where families can engage directly with your staff and students, experiencing your school's values firsthand.

So, with so much on the line, how can your team make the most of an event registration and turn these sign-ups into strong connections and, eventually, get more students to join your school?

As you’ll see, the follow-up is just as important as the initial online experience.

School & Admission Events | Key Engagement Tools

Easy Online Registration

Ensure the event registration process on your website is user-friendly. An embedded form directly on your school’s website should be branded and mobile-friendly. Whether it's for an open house, a speaker series, or another special event, there should be options for parents to indicate their student's age, name, email, and other specific areas of interest (like sports, arts, or science programs), which can help you tailor the event experience for them.

Breck school admissions event on an iphone

From campus tours, virtual vents, student visit days, and financial aid sessions, The Breck School offers a variety of admissions events for families. A mobile-friendly design makes registering for events easy while on the go, and through Finalsite Enrollment’s calendar scheduling, parents can easily see available times for tours and meetings.

Confirmation and More Resources

After families register for an event, direct them to a thoughtfully crafted “thank you” page. This page serves two purposes: it confirms their registration for the event, and it's a strategic opportunity to deepen their connection with your school.

By including links to download your school’s viewbook, offering virtual tours, or providing access to more content like blog posts or videos about school life, you create additional touchpoints for engagement. It presents another opportunity for conversions and builds upon the initial interest sparked by the event registration.


ANC admissions event

Academy of the New Church Secondary Schools thanks its users with a confirmation page and more resources to stay engaged and take the next step — inquire, schedule a tour, or learn more about its mission and core values. It’s a proactive way to keep families engaged and interested until the day of the event and even beyond.

Personalized Communication Pre-event

Once a parent registers for an event, send them personalized communication. This could be a welcome email with details about the event or another email and text message reminder a day before. Personal touches make a big difference in parent engagement.

Engaging Event Content

Plan your events to be interactive and informative. Include sessions where parents can meet teachers and current students, tour the campus, and participate in Q&A sessions. Use the data from their registration for personalized name tags and welcome bags, or even connect them with staff or faculty related to their interests. The more engaging and valuable the event is, the more likely parents are to consider your school seriously.

Vistamar School Inquiry form

When families are ready to visit, tour, attend an open house, or inquire with Vistamar School, the admissions office collects more information about hobbies and interests in extracurricular activities, allowing the school to fine-tune its future events or connect students with staff or coaches who can speak more about the Vistamar experience.

Keep Reading: Save the Date: 17+ Admissions Event Ideas For Your School Calendar

Leverage Social Media During Events

Encourage live posting and sharing of the event on social media. Create a hashtag for your event to make it easier for posts to be found and shared. This increases engagement and extends your event's reach to families who couldn’t attend.

Servite High School uses social media and branded hashtags to connect audiences through Instagram during its admissions information night — a great way to brand the experience and engage followers!

Keep Reading: 5 Social Media Content Ideas to Promote Admissions Events

Showcase Event Highlights

After the event, put highlights on your website and social media. This could be a photo gallery, video clips, or a social media roundup from attendees. Showing what parents missed can encourage them to attend future events.

Hewitt School admission event on an iphone

We’re all busy, and the Hewitt School knows convenience is key. The school often posts the recorded sessions of its virtual admissions events for families to watch at their leisure.

Follow-Up After Events

Post-event follow-up is crucial. Send thank you emails, ask for feedback through surveys, and provide additional information about your private school admissions process that parents may find useful.

Cannon School Admissions email followup

After an admissions event, Cannon School follows up with a personalized email to attendees, offering more resources and chances to connect. It’s a great strategy to stay "top of mind" and reach out for feedback.

Key Takeaway

Admissions and marketing offices can create a more dynamic and interactive experience for prospective parents. Consider admissions and enrollment events an engagement tool, and your school can help capture interest and build a connection with the parents, paving the way for stronger relationships and increased enrollments.

Finalsite Enrollment Tour

Connor Gleason Headshot


Connor has spent the last decade within the field of marketing and communications, working with independent schools and colleges throughout New England. As Finalsite’s Senior Content Marketing Manager, Connor plans and executes marketing strategies and digital content across the web. A former photojournalist, he has a passion for digital media, storytelling, coffee, and creating content that connects.

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