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Streamlining and Maximizing School Communications with iSAMS Data Integration
Debbie Eisenach

Finalsite offers web integrations with many software systems including iSAMs School Management Information System. As companies that provide best-in-class products and services to international schools, our teams worked to integrate our products so those working in school IT can better manage and process data, save time, and ultimately help admissions and marketing better recruit, retain and engage their school communities.

This infographic summarizes key points surrounding the benefits of data quality, including increased efficiency, cost savings, improved customer satisfaction and client retention.

benefits of data quality solutions

In a recent 30-minute webinar, Jon Moser, CEO of Finalsite, along with Joris Deckers, Group IT and Operation Officer for the International School of London (ISL) group of schools, discussed how ISL is optimizing their iSAMS integration.

This 30-minute webinar covered how:

  • This dynamic data link which automatically syncs Finalsite and iSAMS using Wonde
  • The integration allows for the parent portal to be automatically populated with constituent information.
  • Contact information can be pulled directly into Messages, Finalsite’s email marketing tool, so communications can be sent to different classes, years and groups.
  • Directories and general information can be set up for parents, faculty and students and can be dynamically pulled into the portals.
  • Forms can be auto-populated and personalized so parents don't have to fill out their contact information over and over again.

What are the data pain points for international schools?

Schools face various pain points around data, including:

  • Inaccurate, outdated, incomplete data
  • Constantly changing databases 
  • Manual data uploads which lead to errors and lost time

How Can Schools Improve their Marketing and Communications with Data Integration?

With one point of data entry in iSAMS, correct data is maintained thereby eliminating dual entry and saving time. With better trust in data, Jon shared how schools can better personalize marketing and communications. 


Password-protected portals on a school website allow for better community engagement by providing a  personalised and engaging user experience by sharing information that is pertinent to them, whether you are a parent, staff or alumni. Zurich International School has structured its portals to allow for maximum personalization.

Community Portal example screenshot from ISL


Searchable directories, whether public or private, are another way to share all that makes a school great as well as connect members of a community. Especially now in COVID times, it’s important to share information on your great faculty. Engaging Faculty Directories for your Digital Campus provides more details on directories.


With five children of his own, Jon does not fancy typing in the same information over and over again, so he loves that Finalsite Forms auto-populates making it easier for parents so they don’t have to fill out the same contact information repeatedly.

Personalized Emails

Contact information can also be pulled into Messages, Finalsite’s broadcast email module, offering more personalised, engaging, and professional newsletters and emails to targeted groups, including parents, students, and staff. The data clearly shows that personalization helps you Improve your School’s Email Open Rate

ISL email screenshot


Email workflows are a newer concept for schools but pack a powerful punch. From new inquiries to new families to re-enrollment and more, workflows enable schools to work smarter and more efficiently. Jon shared how Saigon South International School has gained a level of sophistication and professionalism through branded and beautiful emails and efficient workflows, and are better able to share the value of their school.

How exactly does ISL use the integration?

About halfway through the webinar, Joris shared the current concepts and integration points between the two systems. (It’s worth seeing this portion of the webinar!) He started with the importance of data integration and how schools struggle with capturing valuable data. 

“This integration has revolutionized the way we manage data with the key concept of empowering the community to create and share authentic content rather than funneling everything through marketing.”

infographic outlining the integration between isams and Finalsite Constituent Manager

Key points he shared:

  • The simplicity of the integration and how data is entered into iSAMS then pulled into Finalsite’s Constituent Manager
  • How they harness Finalsite’s powerful tools to sort and filter data to dynamically create lists and groups
  • How teachers and students are granted access to Finalsite Posts in order to create blog-type content that can automatically be shared on the website, in portals and in newsletters all based on tagging.
ISL news page screenshot

The webinar ended with a Q&A and an update from Dan Bonville, Finalsite’s Product Manager, Data & Integration Services who works with schools to implement and optimize data integrations.

Key Takeaway

For schools looking to streamline and maximize the use of their data, integration is critical. The old way of exporting and importing data manually is inefficient and prone to errors. If your school is looking to improve operations by integration with iSAMS, or some other system with Finalsite, our team is here to discuss all the possibilities. 

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Debbie Eisenach

As part of Finalsite's marketing team, Debbie has worked with international schools for the past 10 years while living in both Asia and Europe. She helps schools understand how they can maximize their web presence while partnering with Finalsite. As a parent of three children who graduated from IB World Schools, she has keen insights into the marketing and communication needs of international schools.

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