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AI Strategies for District Leaders Who Don’t Have All the Answers
Matt Miller

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming all industries as we know it and in K-12 education there has been no exception. As a district superintendent, effectively communicating to your constituents about AI can be challenging, especially when you don't have all the answers.

However, by following a few key strategies, you can foster meaningful conversations, shift mindsets, and engage key stakeholders. Let's explore actionable steps to communicate AI effectively and provide valuable resources to support how you navigate these uncharted waters.

Artificial Intelligence: What K-12 School District Leaders Should Know

AI is a rapidly advancing field of computer science that focuses on performing tasks that normally require human intelligence. It involves developing algorithms and systems that can analyze vast amounts of data, recognize patterns, learn from experience, and make decisions or predictions.

As a school district leader, understanding the benefits and limitations of AI can help you make informed decisions about integrating AI into educational practices. It's essential to strike a balance between leveraging AI's potential to enhance your district's learning outcomes while still maintaining human-centered educational experiences.

Create a Cohort in Your District

One effective way to facilitate discussions about AI is to establish a cohort within your district. Bring together a diverse group of educators, administrators, board members, and other stakeholders who are interested in exploring AI's potential in education.

By sharing what has already been done and discussing real-world experiences, the conversation becomes more meaningful and less hypothetical. Encourage the cohort to collaborate, share ideas, and learn from one another's successes and challenges.

Be Included in the Conversation

To effectively communicate about AI, it's crucial to position yourself as an active participant in the conversation. Attend conferences, workshops, and professional development sessions that focus on AI in education. Engage with industry experts and associations like the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), the Department of Education, and local agencies like your state department of education.

Noted in a recent The Hechinger Report article, Richard Culatta, CEO of the nonprofit International Society for Technology in Education, warns that if the education community sits on the sidelines as the technology is advancing and ethical concerns are navigated, it will be “the century’s biggest wasted opportunity.”

By staying informed and being part of the dialogue, you can gain insights and gather valuable information to share with your district while also leading the path for shaping how AI can be used as a tool to simplify teaching and learning — not replace it.

Shift the Mindset

When introducing AI in education, it's essential to shift the mindset from viewing AI as a threat to embracing it as a powerful tool that enhances teaching and learning. Communicate the benefits of AI, such as personalized learning, data-driven decision-making, and increased efficiency.

Highlight success stories from other districts or schools that have effectively integrated AI into their educational practices. Emphasize the potential for AI to augment educators' and students’ capabilities rather than replace them and reinforce the importance that it's critical we continue to prepare our students for tomorrow.

Keep Reading: How AI is Shaping the Future of School Marketing

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Talk About It, Don't Ignore It

One common mistake when dealing with emerging technologies like AI is to ignore or avoid discussing them due to the lack of comprehensive knowledge. Instead, proactively address the topic of AI in your district. It’s okay to calm concerned individuals that although you don’t have all the answers, it's your duty and responsibility as their district leader, to lean into it — not shy away from it. Utilize various communication channels to initiate conversations and share information.

Incorporate messaging tools, such as district-wide email updates or dedicated AI discussion groups, to facilitate ongoing dialogue. Consider creating a dedicated section on your district website where stakeholders can access resources, links, and blog posts related to AI in education. Encourage staff and community members to explore these resources and contribute their insights and questions.

What Superintendents Think About Using AI in Schools

Training and Support

Recognize that educators may need training and support to effectively integrate AI into their teaching practices or effectively guide their students on leveraging AI for learning. Offer professional development opportunities focused on AI's implementation, providing educators with the necessary knowledge and skills. Collaborate with local industry experts, associations, and organizations to access relevant training resources.

Provide a district-led approved AI handbook targeting various stakeholders throughout your district to ensure proper usage, policies, and guidance on how best to use AI, not shut it down in an attempt to avoid disruption to the instructional process. Additionally, include information about AI-related training opportunities in your newsletters to principals and site leaders, ensuring they are aware of the support available to them.

Keep ReadingAI for Schools: Time-Saving Tips for District Communications

It's important to note that just like your constituents need training and support, prioritizing the importance of leveraging leadership communities and networking groups is just as important for you.

The Superintendent Collaborative

The newly formed, The Superintendent Collaborative was specifically designed for emerging or current superintendents to come together, share best practices, discuss challenges, and learn from one another in a safe and productive way.

Key Takeaways

Communicating about AI when you don't have all the answers may seem challenging, but by adopting a proactive and inclusive approach, you can foster meaningful discussions and support the integration of AI in your district. Provide training opportunities to empower educators and build a foundation for successful AI implementation in your district. By taking these steps, you can lead your district toward a future where AI enhances education and empowers students to thrive.

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Matt’s passion has been to create innovative opportunities for students and staff during his 29 years in education. Knowing that some of the best opportunities come from sparks in creativity and need, he brings that relentless drive to Finalsite. Matt Miller’s passion is to create and scale the country's most needed education leadership initiative through The Superintendent Collaborative. For his last 18 years, Matt Miller has been leading school districts as a nationally award-winning Superintendent. Matt was actively involved in the prestigious and nationwide League of Innovative Schools through Digital Promise, serving as an elected member of their advisory committee. Matt was chosen as one of only two superintendents in the country to lead the League’s Real-World Challenge Collaborative..

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