Client Stories
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With Finalsite Enrollment, TAS optimized its operations and customized workflows—a strategic overhaul to streamline efficiencies, enhance communications, and improve the enrollment experience for families.
Learn how Upper Adams' transition to Finalsite's CMS led to a 30% increase in site traffic and a more engaged and connected community.
Its centennial was the perfect time to launch Canford’s award-winning website—a decision that led to a record-breaking number of campus tours and increases in site traffic.
Learn how Holy Child’s move to Finalsite Enrollment created a streamlined process for families and more applications and independence for its admissions staff.
Discover the digital strategies and communications behind the school's $175M Infinite Horizon campaign, one of the largest campaigns in US history.
After switching to Finalsite, British School Manila succeeded with more efficient web and communication tools, seeing a 30% rise in new site visitors and a 40% increase in newsletter engagement.
A flexible Theme design, paired with Composer's time-saving features and a strategic launch date, supported Middleborough's successful transition to Finalsite's CMS.
NIS's website redesign created a world-class, award-winning representation of its school, significantly increasing applications, website traffic, and employee interest.
With Finalsite Enrollment, ICSB streamlined processes, improved communication, and tracked key metrics, ultimately replacing paperwork and seeing an 88% increase in completed applications.
The Heritage School's strategic plan included a modern website design — a decision that resulted in 3X the inquiries and 4X the amount of alumni contact updates.
Focusing on functionality and design, Father Ryan’s award-winning website is now engaging its entire school community — just in time for its centennial celebration.
With Finalsite's full suite of enrollment software, Delbarton School's Business Office uses the Tuition and Billing module to save time and money while providing an easier experience for families.
After one too many challenges, Aspen Academy switched from Ravenna to Finalsite Enrollment, creating more opportunities for reporting and streamlining the admissions team’s communications with families.
Learn how District 191’s comms team engaged its families and staff with the automated email drip campaigns available with Finalsite Worfklows.
Determined to meet the diverse needs of students, staff, and families, Glenbrook 225 partnered with Finalsite to create a more user-friendly, welcoming, and accessible website experience for all users.
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