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How to Run a Successful Giving Campaign for Your School
Connor Gleason

Looking to boost your school's giving campaign and make a real impact? Helping your development office hit those fundraising targets is one goal, but running a successful giving campaign is all about creating a lasting connection with potential donors.

After all, it's not just about raising money; it's about building a community and providing opportunities for everyone to donate to the school they love, in the way they can.

To make your giving campaign a smashing success, focus on:

  1. Creating a high-converting landing page
  2. Building human connections
  3. Crafting segmented email communications
  4. Promoting and engaging your campaign on social media
  5. Celebrating the success of your campaign!

Remember, it's all about creating an emotional reason for people to give back to your school and supporting the development office in reaching those important donors. 

1. Create a High-Converting Landing Page

Creating a high-converting landing page is crucial for the success of your school's giving campaign because it serves as the first point of contact for potential donors. It's where people will learn about your campaign, be inspired by your story, and ultimately decide whether to contribute or not. Remember to:

  1. Capture attention: With so many distractions and competing interests online, it's essential to grab your donor's attention right away. A high-converting landing page is visually appealing, has a clear message, and highlights the impact of your campaign. It encourages users to stay, explore, and learn more about what a donation means.
  2. Establish trust: First impressions matter, and a fundraising page for your school can help instill confidence in potential donors. By showcasing your values, sharing testimonials, and providing a transparent breakdown of how funds will be used, you can build trust with your audience and make them more likely to give — even a small donation.
  3. Streamline the donation process: A user-friendly landing page simplifies the giving process by providing a clear call-to-action and a simple online donation form. This minimizes friction and increases the chances of visitors giving to your school.
  4. Personalize the experience: A high-converting landing page can be tailored to different audience segments, like alumni, students and parents, or staff, creating a more personal experience. This can lead to higher engagement and, ultimately, more donations!
  5. Track and optimize: With a well-designed landing page, you can collect valuable data on visitor behavior, which can be used to optimize your campaign strategy. By identifying what works and what doesn't, you can make data-driven adjustments to improve conversion rates, increase donations, and make the experience even more mobile-friendly.
St james school make a difference campaign

Take a look at this example — the Saint James School's giving page for its "Make a Difference" campaign features a beautiful design filled with value propositions, calls to action, and content that gives purpose to those interested in giving.

2. Focus on Human Connections

Focusing on human connections is absolutely crucial to the success of your school's giving campaign, and here's why:

  1. Emotional appeal: Human connections help create an emotional appeal that resonates with potential donors. When people feel connected to the stories and individuals behind the campaign, they're more likely to open their hearts (and wallets) to support the cause.
  2. Building trust: Establishing personal connections with your audience helps build trust. Donors want to know that their contributions are making a tangible impact on real people's lives, and sharing personal stories or testimonials can help reassure them that their donations are being put to good use.
  3. Cultivating a sense of belonging: Fostering human connections helps create a sense of belonging and school spirit within your larger school community. When donors feel that they are part of something larger, they are more likely to remain engaged, contribute, and even spread the word to others about the campaign (more on this later...)
  4. Creating advocates: By connecting your donors on a personal level, you're not just securing their financial support but also turning them into advocates for your school. Happy donors are more likely to share their positive experiences with their network, bringing in new potential supporters.
  5. Strengthening the school community: A successful annual giving campaign or any fundraising campaign that focuses on personal stories and connections can bring people closer together, fostering a sense of pride and unity.
screenshot of Gilman Voices

A microsite collects the tremendous efforts of The Gilman School's campaign, First Things First: Endowing Gilman’s Promise and People. A page dedicated to "Gilman Voices" creatively shares the testimonials and stories who have been supported by Gilman throughout the years, and covers everything a gift can help improve and make possible.  

3. Create Segmented Email Communications

Ah, segmented email communications – a crucial element in supporting your school's giving campaign! Breaking down your email list into smaller, more targeted segments is essential for a few key reasons:

  1. Personalization: Sending out a one-size-fits-all email to your entire audience might seem efficient, but it's unlikely to resonate with everyone. By segmenting your email list based on factors like donor history, interests, or location, you can tailor your message to be more personal and relevant to each group. This increases the likelihood that they'll feel a connection to your school and be motivated to contribute.
  2. Engaging different donor groups: Each segment of your audience may have unique motivations and priorities when it comes to giving. First-time donors, major contributors, or young alumni donors — by crafting specific emails for each group, you can address their particular concerns or interests, making your messaging more effective.
  3. Better open and conversion rates: Segmented email campaigns typically have higher open and click-through rates than generic mass emails, which means that more of your audience will actually read and engage with your content. This increased engagement ultimately leads to higher donation rates and a more successful giving campaign.
  4. Building stronger relationships: When you send targeted, relevant communications, your audience is more likely to feel valued and understood. This helps nurture long-term relationships with alumni, staff, students, and their families, ensuring that they continue to support your school in the future.

Segmented email communications are essential for successful online fundraising because they enable you to connect with your audience on a deeper level, address their specific needs and motivations, and ultimately, boost your fundraising efforts. By investing time and resources into crafting tailored emails for each segment of your audience, you'll be well on your way to a winning giving campaign! 

4. Promote and Celebrate Your Campaign on Social Media

Promoting, engaging, and celebrating your giving campaign on social media is crucial for a number of reasons that go beyond just spreading the word. Let's take a closer look at why it's so important to support your school's giving campaign:

  1. Reach a wider audience: Social media platforms are where most people spend their time these days. By promoting your campaign across various channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and LinkedIn, you'll have the opportunity to reach donors of all ages and engage a diverse audience.
  2. Foster engagement and create buzz: When you share updates, success stories, and campaign milestones on social media, you encourage your audience to engage with your content — and not be left out! This interaction leads to more shares, comments, and likes, creating a buzz around your campaign and making it more visible to others.
  3. Build a sense of community: Social media platforms are the perfect place to create a sense of community among supporters. By celebrating milestones, recognizing donors, and sharing behind-the-scenes stories, you'll cultivate a sense of belonging and encourage even more people to get involved and contribute to your cause.
  4. Showcase your school's personality and values: A well-executed social media strategy allows you to showcase your school's unique personality and values, making it easier for potential donors to resonate with your cause. This emotional connection can be a powerful motivator for people to support your giving campaign.
  5. Keep the momentum going: Social media provides an excellent platform to share updates and progress reports throughout the duration of your campaign. This constant communication helps maintain momentum and keeps your supporters engaged and motivated to see the campaign succeed.
  6. Monitor campaign success and gather feedback: Social media platforms offer valuable insights into how your audience is responding to your campaign. By monitoring engagement levels, comments, and shares, you can gauge the success of your campaign in real-time and make data-driven adjustments as needed.
Blair Academy's day of giving page social badges

For Blair Academy's Day of Giving efforts, a fantastic webpage framed the purpose and impact of donations to the school. Then, the school provided social media badges for its donors to use across social media channels — they even posted this great video on Instagram to help stir up some buzz!

blair academy day of giving video

Celebrating your giving campaign on social media helps you reach a larger audience and foster community spirit. By effectively tapping into social media, you're more likely to create a successful giving campaign that not only reaches its goals but also leaves a lasting impact on your school's online community. 

5. Celebrating the Success of Your Giving Campaign

Once you've hit your goal, or at least have made major strides, don't forget to actually celebrate your accomplishments!

  1. Appreciation and Recognition: When people generously contribute to your school's giving campaign, they want to know their efforts are acknowledged and appreciated. By celebrating and sharing the campaign's success, you're showing gratitude to your donors, which helps strengthen their emotional connection to the school and encourages future donations.
  2. Transparency: Informing your community about the campaign's results demonstrates transparency and builds trust with your donors. It reassures them that their contributions are being put to good use and that the school is accountable for how the funds are allocated.
  3. Community Building: Sharing the success of your giving campaign fosters a sense of pride and camaraderie within your community. It creates a shared experience that unites everyone around a common goal and reinforces the idea that collective efforts can lead to impressive results.
  4. Inspiration for Future Campaigns: Celebrating the success of your campaign can inspire others to get involved in future fundraising efforts. It showcases the impact that can be achieved when everyone works together, which motivates others to participate and help make a difference.
  5. Retaining and Attracting Donors: By keeping your community informed and celebrating the campaign's success, you're more likely to retain existing donors and attract new ones. Regular updates on the campaign's achievements show donors that their contributions do matter.
screenshot of durham academy thank you

Durham Academy collected all the results of its successful giving day campaign on its splash page, complete with donation totals, heartfelt appreciations, and more! 

Key takeaway

Assisting your development office in achieving fundraising objectives is essential, but the key to a successful giving campaign lies in creating connections with potential donors. Raising funds is only one aspect; the ultimate goal is to cultivate a sense of community and offer various avenues for everyone to contribute to a school they hold in their hearts.

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Connor Gleason Headshot


Connor has spent the last decade within the field of marketing and communications, working with independent schools and colleges throughout New England. As Finalsite’s Senior Content Marketing Manager, Connor plans and executes marketing strategies and digital content across the web. A former photojournalist, he has a passion for digital media, storytelling, coffee, and creating content that connects.

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