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6 "Forgotten" School Admission Pages You Can’t Reject
Connor Gleason

When families explore your school's website, every page plays a crucial role in shaping their overall online experience. Sure, we know about common pages like 'About Us' and 'Contact', but there are some pages that just don't get enough attention.

Your admission pages are some of the most important, and if they’re outdated, hard to navigate, lack essential information, don’t provide value, or meet users’ expectations, they can significantly affect the user experience and turn families away.

Of course, your main admissions page is important, but if pages like the 'Thank You' page, a 'Day in the Life', or the virtual tour aren’t engaging, informative, and easy to navigate, it's easy for families to start the admissions process on another school's site.

Shake off the dust and optimize these admissions pages to create a positive first impression and encourage families to explore more about all your school has to offer.

1. The Inquiry 'Thank You' Page: The First Step in Communication

After a family fills out an inquiry form, they should land on the 'Thank You' page. Many schools view the 'Thank You' page as just a formality, a simple acknowledgment that an inquiry was received. This page is often overlooked, but think of it as the first "hello" to a potential new family — a golden opportunity to create a connection with prospective families with more calls to action to increase conversions.

Remember, it’s the start of a conversation, not the end of one...The 'Thank You' page is your chance to keep that interest alive, and a well-thought-out 'Thank You' page can show them what to do next, like scheduling a visit, setting up a meeting, or receiving more information. 

Inquiry 'Thank You' Page Must-Haves:

  • A warm 'thank you' message
  • Clear next steps or actions, like scheduling a campus visit
  • Opportunities for conversions and links to relevant resources, like your blog subscription page, registration for upcoming events, or downloading a viewbook

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2. The “Day in the Life” Page: Bringing the School Experience to Life

What's it like to be a student at your school? This page is often underutilized, but it's a powerful way to show prospective students the real experience of being a part of your school. Use this page to show videos of classes, interviews with students, and a breakdown of a typical day for various grade levels or divisions.

Screenshot of the day in the life of a Saint Andrew's school student

For boarding schools like Saint Andrew’s School in Boca Raton, this page is especially important for showcasing what experiences are offered outside of the academic experience. Showcase relationships between students and faculty, student clubs and activities, and all the ways for students to thrive outside the classroom.

“Day in the Life” Page Must-Haves:

  • Videos and photos showing a typical school day
  • Interviews or quotes from students and teachers
  • An easy-to-understand schedule or timeline of a school day
  • The student-life experience with clubs, activities, and opportunities outside the classroom

3. The FAQ Page: Answering Questions Before They're Asked

Parents and students have A LOT of questions for your admissions office, and a good FAQ page can answer these before they even need to ask. It’s an easy page to forget, but it’s really helpful for families to get their questions answered quickly. Plus, it shows your school is proactive and able to anticipate users’ needs.

lovett mobile mockup

Cover topics like the application process, what to expect in school, and any special programs. Also, keep this page updated with the most helpful information as it relates to the admission cycle with financial aid or scholarship deadlines.

Admission FAQ Pages Must-Haves:

  • Answers to common questions about admissions, academics, and extracurriculars
  • Contact information for further inquiries
  • Regular updates to keep information current

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4. The Virtual Tour Page: A Digital Walk Through Your Campus

Not everyone can visit your school in person. A virtual tour can be the next best thing, as we learned about the value of these kinds of pages and experiences during the pandemic.

GAC on mobile and laptop

Sometimes, schools don’t think about this page, but it’s especially important for families who are out of town or who are on the fence about coming to campus. With a little creativity, this page gives a real feel for your school's environment, so use videos and interactive maps to show off your campus, just like Greater Christian Atlanta does.

Virtual Tour Page ​​Must-Haves:

  • Interactive or 360-degree campus tour
  • Descriptions of key locations (e.g., classrooms, sports facilities)
  • Accessible on various devices (phones, tablets, computers)

5. The Tuition Page: Transparency Builds Trust

Talking about tuition and costs can be hard, but it’s necessary. The best admission pages have cleared the myths about tuition with a breakdown of the costs, payment options, and financial aid information. This honesty and transparency help build trust with families.

Screenshot of NSA tuition page

Schools sometimes put less effort into this page because tuition can be cut and dry, but supporting the value of your school, like Nansemond-Suffolk Academy does, can help families plan and understand.

Tuition Page Must-Haves:

  • Detailed breakdown of tuition costs and additional fees
  • Information on financial aid, scholarships, and payment plans
  • Testimonials supporting the value of tuition
  • Success stories from students and alumni
  • FAQs specifically address financial concerns

6. Ad Landing Pages for School Admissions: Turning Interest into Action

When you use paid ads to promote an open house or an admissions event, families will often click through to a specific landing page. This page is your chance to turn their interest into action. It should focus on getting users excited enough to participate and register. But why is this page often forgotten?

The Branch School admissions landing page

It can't be a generic admissions page — this page needs to have all the details about your event — the 'what,' 'when,' and 'where,’ and it's about showing the energy and community spirit of your school. By making this page engaging and user-friendly, just like the Branch School does, you increase the chances of families taking that next step and earning a conversion from the ad.

Ad Landing Page Must-Haves:

  • Clear details about the event (date, time, location, format)
  • A registration form or RSVP link
  • Testimonials or quotes from parents and students
  • Information on what to expect during the event

Key Takeaway

By giving these often-overlooked pages some attention, you can make sure that families have a great first impression. Take the time to review and keep them updated throughout the year — they can make a big difference in how families see your school.

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Connor Gleason Headshot


Connor has spent the last decade within the field of marketing and communications, working with independent schools and colleges throughout New England. As Finalsite’s Senior Content Marketing Manager, Connor plans and executes marketing strategies and digital content across the web. A former photojournalist, he has a passion for digital media, storytelling, coffee, and creating content that connects.

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