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Finding & Keeping Your School Brand's Voice in a World of AI
Connor Gleason

The impact of AI is hard to miss. The education sector is also caught up in this wave of artificial intelligence, with schools and districts using the tech to streamline administrative tasks, enhance learning experiences, and create and distribute content.

Faster for sure, but better? That's a different story...

Like it or not, AI in education is here to stay and will impact how you work — one report estimates that AI will replace 85 million jobs by 2025; however, that report concluded that AI could potentially create some 97 million jobs in the same timeframe.

While the speed and efficiency of artificial intelligence in education are enticing, it's crucial to embrace AI and strike a balance between this new convenience and maintaining the authenticity that embodies your school's brand voice.

Keep Reading: How AI is Shaping the Future of School Marketing

The Temptation of AI for Schools

Imagine creating a month's worth of blog posts or social media content in mere hours or personalizing entire emails with a few clicks. Automating repetitive tasks frees up time and resources, making AI a powerful resource in any marketer's toolkit.

However, you'd be right if you think AI is too good to be true. AI relies on predefined algorithms and data patterns, which could lead to generic, cold content that lacks your school's true voice and brand.

And while AI is excellent at mimicking human writing styles, it doesn't possess human creativity and intuition, essential elements that make your content genuinely engaging and reflective of your school's identity — and since more and more schools are leveraging the power of AI, authenticity is what will set schools apart.

The Importance of Authenticity

As schools increasingly adopt AI, maintaining authenticity will be crucial. Authentic content reflects your institution's core values, creating a lasting connection with your audience and building trust over time.

In contrast, schools that have shifted heavily towards AI-generated content often end up with generic and sterile messaging. It's the shared experiences and the real human stories that emotionally connect with people, not the perfectly-structured, machine-generated texts.

Today's families and students crave authenticity. They've grown up with technology and can spot generic, AI-generated marketing content from a mile away. They value real, relatable content that speaks to their experiences and aspirations. They don't want to wade through stiff, lengthy, polished paragraphs of text; they want engaging, authentic stories that reflect the heart and soul of your school and their fellow students and teachers. Schools need to acknowledge this shift and adapt their content strategy accordingly.

Why Widefield panel

Widefield School District 3’s new site directly answers the “Why Widefield?” question. Listing out its accolades and highlights in a scannable list makes this reasoning easy to digest, and its mobile-friendly design makes it especially convenient to read while on the go. For families considering the district, it’s a quick way to get the messaging across without sorting through a lot of fluffy language.

Keep Reading: How to Authentically Connect with Gen Z Students

Finding and Emphasizing Your School’s Voice

Every school has its unique voice, defined by its distinct tone, values, mission, and vision. This voice is your institution's DNA, and it's what sets you apart from the other schools down the road.

To find and share your voice, start by identifying what your school stands for, then:

  • Understand your core values
  • Align them with your mission and vision
  • Highlight what makes you different

Once you've identified these, ensure they are consistently represented in all your content. It could be as simple as using specific language and a tone in your social media posts or more complex, like designing your school's website to reflect your brand visually.

sun Prairie district footer CTas

The key to brand identity is consistency. Your voice must be heard clearly and consistently across all platforms and touchpoints. Take a look at Sun Prairie’s public school's brand and presence. As a district that values the theme of culture and engagement, inclusive imagery, graphics, and language are used throughout the district’s website, including its calls to action.

Keep Reading: Once More, With Feeling: Tips to Humanize Your School's Brand

Balancing AI and Authenticity

AI can be an effective tool for streamlining tasks and improving efficiency, but it shouldn't overshadow your school's unique voice. Striking the right balance between leveraging AI's benefits and maintaining your school's authentic voice is critical.

Instead, use AI for the heavy lifting, like gathering data, generating content drafts, scheduling posts, or organizing meeting notes. Then, it’s up to your team to fine-tune the messaging, adding your voice and aligning the content with your school's brand.

With the prompt: “Write a brief caption for photos of a 5th-grade class project event featuring students rowing cardboard boats across a swimming pool,” ChatGPT’s first result is: "5th Graders Set Sail: Ingenious Minds Turn Cardboard into Nautical Marvels. Learning and laughter make waves at the annual Cardboard Regatta!"

A little meh…right?

Corbett social media posts

Corbett Prep's Facebook and Instagram posts are much better. In this scenario, they could have written their version for social copy and then used AI to reword the caption specifically for other social media channels, saving time while capturing their authentic voice. In either case, it looks like a fun event!

So ask yourself:

  • Does it resonate with your target audience?
  • Is it original?
  • Is the messaging’s voice and tone on brand?
  • How would my target audience respond?

This approach allows you to leverage AI's benefits without compromising authenticity and staying on brand. Remember: it's not about replacing the human touch with AI but using the tools to amplify your school’s unique, authentic voice.

Key Takeaway

While AI will continue to play a significant role in education and content creation, your school's voice remains your most valuable asset. The future of school branding and content creation is promising, but it's your responsibility to use it effectively and ethically.

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Connor Gleason Headshot


Connor has spent the last decade within the field of marketing and communications, working with independent schools and colleges throughout New England. As Finalsite’s Senior Content Marketing Manager, Connor plans and executes marketing strategies and digital content across the web. A former photojournalist, he has a passion for digital media, storytelling, coffee, and creating content that connects.

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