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Learning about Messages - Dynamic Content
Vina Kapasiawala

Now that I have created my Message Lists and added my subscribers, I can get started creating content.

I would like to add sections for what’s coming up next month and latest news. Since, I already use Calendar Manager and Posts in Composer, so I’m pleased I can reuse this content utilizing Dynamic Content.

Accessing Dynamic Content from the Messages Module is easy to find

Messages Menu







The Dynamic Content is available for Athletic, Calendar, Posts and each type has Content Filters, Content Details and Formatting which need to be configured.

I first selected Calendar and +Content.  I’m pleased to see all my previously created Calendars* in the Content Filters Section.
I choose any calendar from my list of calendars.

In the Content Details, I select the date, title and Read More options. I could also select time, location. 
I especially like the information guidance for the Notes and Description fields.  These are not recommended as these fields may contain HTML which may not render correctly across email clients.  There are many fonts to choose from including your element font.
In the Formatting section, I can configure number of events to display, but am happy with the default of 5.  

Secondly, I create a Post Dynamic Configuration.  In the Content Filters, I choose my Post Boards, but can also choose posts using Collection as well as specific Tags.

In the Content Details, I select thumbnail with a max width of 100, title, publish date, and Read More options. I could also select publish time, RSS Summary.    
Again, I appreciate the information guidance for the Summary and Body fields.  These are not recommended as these fields may contain HTML which may not render correctly across email clients.  There are also many fonts to choose from including your element font.
In the Formatting section, I can configure number of events to display, but am happy with the default of 5.  

My next challenge is to add these dynamic configurations to my message template.
Check back next week for creating Message Templates!

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