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Learning about Resources - Permissions
Vina Kapasiawala

Permissions in Resources can be used to grant or remove access to Composer admin groups as well as to individual Composer admins and constituent portal users. There are several permission rights available to choose from.


To begin, it’s best to set the main Resource Permissions to Not Allowed for Admin Groups who will need access to only specific folders. The View, Upload & Edit option is used for admin groups where all members need access to all resources, but not to grant additional permissions to others. Admin level rights will grant full rights to that admin group.


To give specific Folder or Gallery permission rights for a group or person, you will want to leave their admin group on the Not Allowed setting.

Access the resource folder the group or individual will need access to,  and click on the 3 dot menu and then Settings. Click on the Permissions tab.  You can choose an individual Constituent User, Role and/or Group of users, finally select the required permission rights from the drop down menu.

There are subtle differences in the settings. For more information about these levels of access check out our Knowledge Base article

For Gallery permissions, repeat the same steps that you followed for folders.

Providing Access to Resources for Constituent Users

If instead of choosing a site administrator group above, and an individual is selected who does not have admin access to the site then they will access resources through their account bar. Constituent Users can access resources once they have logged into a portal page using their Portal User account credentials.  After login, click on profile name (top left of page) to access the drop down menu where you will see Resources


Thank you for joining me on this journey of getting acquainted with Resources!

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