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Learning About Resources - Displaying Resources on Composer Pages
Vina Kapasiawala

The resources and galleries I added in Resources can be added to my page displayed in a number of ways. 

Resource Element

Navigate to your page and add the Resource Element.  


Click on the Element Gear Settings to select which Gallery and how you wish to display it.

At the top of the modal, you can choose your display type.  The options include List, Grid, Slideshow and Single. These options are very similar to many of our other elements in Composer.  Click "Browse" to select your Gallery. List is the default display. 

List View

The List view is useful for displaying documents. Here’s an example of a list of PDF’s:

Grid View

The Grid view is great for displaying several images

Access the Resource Element Gear Settings to configure additional display settings, to hide the filename and description expand "All".


To configure the number of columns wide, expand "Formatting." From here you can adjust the order of the galleries and the columns for the grid.

Your images may need to be resized, this can be done in Resources in edit properties.  More information on sizing images can be found in our Knowledge Base.

Slideshow View

The Slideshow view is great for showcasing an event.

Additional slideshow settings can be found in the element settings. Expand Controls to configure scrolling type, slideshow timing and number of items per slide.

Single View

The Single view allows you to display a single resource at a time. However, if you are displaying an Image or Video you might want to consider using their dedicated elements.

Image and Video Elements

The Image and Video elements are elements which are “pre-set” to Single so that you can quickly add a single image or video to a page and have it automatically resize to fill the space where that element is placed. Once you add either of these two elements, you can click the gear icon to select an image or video to include

In this example, the "Image" element is displaying the element title. To remove or change that you can go into the element settings and toggle that off. 

Check back next week for private resources

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