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Learning About Resources - Private Resources
Vina Kapasiawala

Most of your resources will be uploaded to Public Resources and once added to pages will be visible by everyone. However, resources that are to be only visible to a selected group of users can be added to Private Resources.  

Create folders here to organise your resources, similar to Public Resources, create subfolders to assist in keeping things in order. Although you can create as many sub folders as you would like, it is best practice to keep the number of sub folders to less than three, if possible.

Once uploaded to folders, the resources must then be added to Private Galleries, where the privacy settings can be configured.

Select your resources and click on Add to New Gallery.

Configure who can view the resources in Privacy Gallery Settings, access your gallery from resources, click on the 3 dots menu and then Settings.

Choose the Privacy tab, and from the Constituents Only tab, select the Constituent Role and/or Group of users you wish to access the resources.

The resource will be available to the Constituent after logging into the page using their portal account.

Check back next week for Resource Permissions

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