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Learning About Resources: Uploading and Adding Files and Images
Vina Kapasiawala

Now that I had created my efficient folder structure in the Public Resources section of Resources, I can start to pull my data in. Data, in this case, can be everything from images, PDF’s, videos, audio files, and more!  There are numerous areas where I can upload my data from. If I hover over the green Public Resources button on the right-side, a drop down appears.

Clicking on Public Resource takes me to the uploader where I can choose the source of what I would like to include on my site. These include files from my computer, a web address, webcam or external camera, Dropbox, Facebook or Instagram.

As I store most of my files on my computer, I selected the My Files option to browse the file storage on my machine.  I can choose to upload 1 file or many by holding down the shift button, this is quick to upload.

Once my data is uploaded, I can easily move to different folders if required.  To select many files at once, I clicked on the tick next to each file.


Additionally, as I have been using File Manager, I’m pleased I can pull data from File Manager into Resources. Click on File Manager, to migrate a single file, simply click on the file name.  You can bulk migrate a whole folder, click on the folder name and at the top you will see an “Import to Resource Manager” button.



Check back next week for resource properties such as editing, where used, tagging, and replacing.


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